Giving emerging-market utilities the keys to digital transformation
Drive awareness of GE Digital among risk-averse utility technology decision-makers in the Middle East, North Africa, and Turkey who are unsure where to start when modernizing their grid.
Leverage GE Digital’s vast experience of successfully helping market-leading utilities in mature markets to position them as trusted partners to guide utilities in less developed markets through digital transformation and encourage decision-makers to partner with GE Digital to modernize their grid software management systems.
Engage prospective customers on the opportunity to partner with GE to transform their end-to-end energy management systems. Develop messaging around “the roadmap to the modernized grid” to assure customers that GE will guide them through the process. Deploy a multichannel campaign to engage customers and high-value content to convert leads. Develop sales enablement tools.

Marcom Planning
Messaging Architecture Creation
Campaign Development
Product Marketing
Demand Generation
Campaign Development
Content Marketing